
Community Involvement
Donna’s battle against chemical addiction extends to the community. In a preventative initiative, she is founder of an educational consulting service for students, parents and communities. As an expert speaker she shares knowledge and awareness on the Opiate and Vaping Crisis. Additional topics include, The Dangers of Substance Abuse, How to Navigate through the Maze of Therapeutic Care and Parenting Communication. She is a member of the Working Group on the Morris County Opiate Task Force.
Currently, Donna is talking about relationships. Whether she is giving advice through a Podcast or providing small group events, she brings her expertise by answering questions and giving tips. Topics include How to Establish Better Relationships; Lets Reboot and Communicate; and Listen Up and Prevent Crisis. Donna has a mission to provide KNOWLEDGE for better communication in all relationships to live a happier and fulfilled life!
Contact Donna O’Connor, LCADC, LCSW, LLC, 973-476-5766 to learn more.

“Donna provided us with the tools to best address current concerns with our adolescents. It is extremely difficult to be an effective parent in a world that is full of risks and stress. Donna was an invaluable source of information that guided us into 2019 with our eyes, ears and hearts wide open. We cannot thank her enough.”
— Erin Manahan, Delbarton Mothers Guild President 2017-18

“Donna came to our school last spring to speak about vaping. We opened the program up to our 6th, 7th and 8th graders and then had the parents join afterwards. What an informative session! Donna is a mental health professional who is extremely knowledgeable and passed along valuable information in a supportive, non-threatening manner. Anecdotal stories of addiction were shared, placing the problem within our own community. The discussion with the parents led to a q and a that could have gone on all day! Students and parents alike were engaged and enthusiastic throughout- the popcorn that was provided didn’t hurt! In the end, we all came away from the conversation more informed, with knowledge and tools from a professional who deals with addiction in her day to day practice. The parents, faculty and students of our school fully endorse this program.”
Ronnie Marone RN, CSN
Assumption School
Morristown, NJ

“Donna was a wonderful presenter at our school for our students and community. The presentation was timely, dynamic and interactive. It provided vital information about the dangers of vaping and juuling. It is a must see for middle schoolers , parents and educators. The community was enlightened with the information but also were provided with resources and tools to combat this latest epidemic. Well done!”
Maryellen Sullivan
Morris Knolls School District
Mathematics Department Chairperson
Schools The Mental Health and Wellness Centers have partnered with:

Assumption School

Hopatcong Schools

Morris Knolls High School

Oak Knoll
School of the Holy Child

Delbarton School

Morristown High School

West Morris Central School